/* * jQuery - jcImgScroll v1.4 * Copyright(c) 2012 by Adam’ * Date: 2012-08-30 * qq : 1741498 */ ;(function($){ $.fn.jcImgScroll = function(options) { var defaults = { speed : 400, width : 618, height : 342, offsetX : 100, setZoom : .7, loadClass : "loading", position:"center", count :3, arrow : { width:110, height:342, x:20, y:0 }, NumBtn : false, setNumBtn : { width : 19, height : 18, x : 0, y : 362 }, title:true, setTitle : { } }; var options = $.extend(defaults,options); return this.each(function() { var _SELF = $(this), _arrData = [], _IDX = 0, _CENTER = 0, $IMGLIST = $("a",_SELF), $IMGWRAP = $("ul",_SELF), $IMGWRAPLIST = $("li",$IMGWRAP), fnGetIndexArr = function(index,len){ // 当前索引,长度 var arrCurrIdx = [index]; for(b=0;b<=len;b++){ arrCurrIdx.push(index+(b+1)); arrCurrIdx.unshift(index-(b+1)<0?99:index-(b+1)); }; return arrCurrIdx; }, setSize = function(Dom,l,t,w,h,z,s){ Dom.show() .css("z-index",z) .animate({"top":t,"left":l,"height":h,"width":w},s); }; //初始化DOM对象 object = function(length){ this.length = length; this.setNum = options.setNumBtn; this.NumBtnDom = function(list,w,h,l,t){ return "
"+ list +"
"; }; this.arrow = function(l,r,w,h,x,y){ return ""; }; this.hoverDom = function(t,w,h,b,bg,p,c,lh){ return "
"+ t +""; }; }; //初始化获取DOM数据 object.prototype.Initial = function(callback){ if(options.count > this.length) { //this.length alert("\"Count\" parameter can not be greater than the total number of pictures, you must base !"); return false; } else if(options.count < 0) { alert("\"Count\" parameter can not be negative, you must base !"); return false; } else if(options.count%2 === 0) { alert("\"Count\" parameter must base !"); return false; }; this.arrNumList = []; this.arrImgObj = []; this.arrData = []; this.centerIdx = Math.round(this.length/2)-1; this.centerCount = Math.floor(options.count/2)-1, _IDX = this.centerIdx; _CENTER = this.centerCount; this.indexArr = fnGetIndexArr(this.centerIdx,this.centerCount); //获取当前索引组 //console.log(this.indexArr) $IMGWRAP.css({"position":"relative","width":options.width,"height":options.height,"margin":"0 auto"}); var a=null,b=null,c=null,sTmpDD=null,t=2,t2=this.centerCount+1, CenIdxArr = this.indexArr[this.centerCount+1], wrapL = $IMGWRAP.offset().left, wrapR = $IMGWRAP.offset().left+options.width, setPos = function(mode,height){ var nPos = null; switch(mode){ case "top" : nPos = 0; break; case "center" : nPos = (options.height - height)*0.5; break; case "bottom" : nPos = options.height - height; break; default : alert("Parameters \"position\" Error, \"top\", \"center\", \"bottom\" !") }; return nPos; }; for(a=0;aCenIdxArr?a-t:a, tmp = a>CenIdxArr?a-this.centerIdx:t2, //核心索引 width = Math.round(options.width/tmp*options.setZoom), height = Math.round(options.height/tmp*options.setZoom), top = Math.round(setPos(options.position,height)) left = Math.round(options.offsetX*tmp); //console.log(tmp) if(aCenIdxArr){ t+=2; left = (options.width-width)+left; }; if(a==CenIdxArr){ othis.addClass("select"); width = options.width; height = options.height; left = 0; top = 0; }; setSize(othis,left,top,width,height,zindex,options.speed*1.5); this.arrData.push([left,top,width,height,zindex]); break; }; }; //输出标题Dom if(options.title){ othis.prepend(this.hoverDom(sTitle, options.width, options.height, options.setTitle.border, options.setTitle.bgColor, options.setTitle.padding, options.setTitle.color, options.setTitle.height )) .find("div") .css("opacity",0) .end() .find("b") .css("opacity",0); }; //获取数字按钮 if(options.NumBtn){ var NumStyle = "cursor:pointer;float:left;height:"+this.setNum.height+"px;width:"+this.setNum.width+"px;overflow:hidden;"; if(this.centerIdx === a){ sTmpDD = "
"+ a +"
"; } else { sTmpDD = "
"+ a +"
"; }; this.arrNumList.push(sTmpDD); }; }; //输出箭头按钮 _SELF.prepend(this.arrow(wrapL,wrapR,options.arrow.width,options.arrow.height,options.arrow.x,options.arrow.y)) .find("em") .show(0); //输出数字按钮 if(this.arrNumList.length !=0 ){ var NumListDom = this.arrNumList.join(""), NumWrapWidth = this.setNum.width*this.length, NumWrapHeight = this.setNum.height, NumWrapLeft = (_SELF.width()-NumWrapWidth)*0.5 + this.setNum.x; _SELF.append(this.NumBtnDom(NumListDom,NumWrapWidth,NumWrapHeight,NumWrapLeft,this.setNum.y)) .find("dl") .show(); }; callback.call(this,this.arrImgObj); return this.arrData; }; //调用对象 、操作 var o = new object($IMGLIST.length); _arrData = o.Initial(function(arrImg){ for(var b in arrImg){ arrImg[b].tmp = b; arrImg[b].onload = function(){ var idx = this.tmp, $thisImg = $IMGLIST.eq(idx); $thisImg.html($(arrImg[idx])) .find("img") .fadeIn(600) .parents("li") .removeClass(options.loadClass); }; }; //释放对象 (function(obj){ var d=null,arg = arguments,len=arg.length; for(d=1;d 0) { _IDX = _IDX -1; imgScroll(_IDX,_arrData,$dd); }; return false; }); $next.click(function(){ if(_IDX < imgLength-1) { _IDX = _IDX + 1; imgScroll(_IDX,_arrData,$dd); }; return false; }); $dd.click(function(){ _IDX = $(this).index(); imgScroll(_IDX,_arrData,$dd); }); if(options.title){ var borderwidth = options.setTitle.border, warpheight = options.height, warpwidth = options.width, textHeight = options.setTitle.height; $("li.select",_SELF).live("mouseover",function(){ $(this).find("div").show().animate({"opacity":options.setTitle.opacity },100); $(this).find("b").show().delay(100).stop().animate({"height":textHeight,"opacity":options.setTitle.opacity},150); return false; }) $IMGWRAPLIST.mouseleave(function(){ $(this).find("b").show().stop().animate({"height":0,"opacity":0},150); $(this).find("div").delay(150).stop().animate({"opacity":0 },100); return false; }); }; return false; }); }; })(jQuery)